Children are our special patients whose trust always needs to be earned. Once there is a trust between child and his dentist, that same trust will be a base for a high quality dental theraphy their whole lives.
Preventive stomatology will ensure healthy and beautiful smile for your child. Children with healthy mouth are able to chew normally and with more ease. That way they use food ingredients better, they speak better and faster and their general health is great. It is important to know that bad state of mouth and teeth can cause diseases of other organs. Except that it is nice to see a healthy mouth, beautiful teeth will give your child their needed confidence. And finally, healthy mouth mean much less financial costs for parents.
In order to prevent dental problems, your child should see a dentist when the first tooth appears. That way you will learn everything about your child's dental care, and later, he or she will have a mouth free from cavity.
After oral evaluation, dentist will suggest your health care program. This program includes teeth brushing, flossing, healthy eating tips, and if it is necessary, recommendation for using flouride. If you follow dentists instructions, you will ensure your children to continue to have healthy teeth and gums as they grow into aduls.
Teeth cleaning and polishing, and flouride treatments are part of the prevention program of your child's teeth. But that's not all. For example, dentist can do fissure sealing to protect the teeth from cavity. He can also help you choose the mouthguard and to diagnose eventual orthodontic problem.
Fissure sealant stops the appearance of cavity. The procedure is completely painless. Fissure sealants are put on healthy lateral teeth in any period of life. Materials that are used as fissure sealants close the pits and fissures on teeth, they stop retention of the food on teeth, release calcium and phosphorus, lower the sourness in mouth and stop the enamel issolation while protecting teeth from cavity. Little patients can choose between diferrend coulored fillings for their teeth!
Dental Centar Dubravica
Poliklinika Dubravica d.o.o.
Magistrala 59
22211 Vodice, Croatia
Tel: +385 22 444 796
Fax: +385 22 444 795
Working hours
mon.-fri.: 08:00-16:00
sat.: closed or by appointment
sun.: closed